Brought together by music, two high school girls, Samantha and Taylor, begin a secret romantic affair. But don't let the description fool you. It's not a lesbian cliche, it's more like being afraid to turn against the expectations we're forced to fit in.
Although it's about a romantic relationship, it's not erotic, but emotionally intense.
This relationship we see only in 7 minutes is not very detailed but the chemistry between the two girls can be felt in the air from the very first seconds.
The environment and the characters’ family background, especially Taylor’s mother plays an important role, maybe the most important one. This movie is the perfect example of how a mother can force her child to be something she's not.
Accepting someone or not - especially if it’s your own daughter - for some of us (most of us, I hope) it’s not a question, but this movie makes me questioned if this kind of mother can really love her child or her love depends on the daughter's personality is fitting into her world or not. Does it worth being selfish just to make sure everything happens as you have imagined it? Who do you try to protect? Your daughter or yourself?
"Just because you don't see any clouds,doesn’t mean the sky is empty" - a metaphor that can be understand many ways and, the most important sentence of the film.
For me it tells everything about being any kind of different nowadays
There are so many people out there struggling with their environment not accepting them or they can’t accept themselves because they want to be normal, or at least what they think that normal is. Just because sometimes these feelings are not visible for us, it doesn’t mean they’re not there. It can also be said about love, hurt, fear and desire as well. Watch the film here:
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