Papers, Please: A Dystopian Document Thriller is a puzzle video game created by indie game developer Lucas Pope, developed and published through his company, 3909. The game was released on August 8, 2013.
You play as the officer, must review immigrant's and returning citizen's passports and other supporting paperwork against a list of ever-increasing rules using a number of tools and guides, allowing in only those with the proper paperwork, rejecting those without all proper forms, and at times detaining those with falsified information.
- Fact 1: The graphics are amazing. The whole game creates an atmosphere you really don't feel comfortable with, makes you feel like every of your decision matters.
- Fact 2: You - as the player - are challenged with moral dilemmas as the game progresses, such as allowing the supposed spouse of an immigrant through despite lacking complete papers at the risk of accepting a terrorist into the country.
- Fact 3: A mysterious organization known as EZIC appears in the game, with several of its members appearing at the checkpoint, giving the inspector orders to help bring down the government and establish a new one.
- Fact 4: Some critics reacted against the paperwork gameplay. Stephanie Bendixsen from the ABC's game review show Good Game found the game "tedious", commenting "while I found the issues that arose from the decisions you are forced to make quite interesting, I was just so bored that I just struggled to go from one day to the next. I was torn between wanting to find out more, and just wanting it all to stop." However, Papers, Please is considered by several journalists as an example of video games as an art form.
Here's a short video about the gameplay:
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